14496 John Humphrey Drive, Suite 100, Orland Park, IL 60462
Schwartz Injury Law


Orland Park Office708-888-2160

Joliet Office815-723-7300

Glen Ellyn Office630-349-2325

Elmhurst Office630-415-0500

Peoria Office309-650-8700

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Understanding Different Types of Driving Distractions in Illinois

 Posted on January 12,2023 in Personal Injury

elmhurst distracted driver accident injury lawyerIn the 1980s and 90s, the primary safety messages for drivers were aimed at lowering the number of people killed by drunk drivers. In today’s world, drinking and driving is still something we educate drivers about, but another danger that may not be as obvious lurks in the shadows: distracted driving. According to federal estimates, more than 3,000 motorists and passengers are killed in distracted driving accidents in average year in the United States. If you have been injured in an accident involving a distracted driver, understanding what caused the accident may help you obtain compensation.

Common Types of Driving Distractions

When you think of a driving distraction, your mind likely jumps to a cell phone or other electronic device. While these are some of the most common distractions for drivers, there are many different types of distractions that a variety of things can cause. For example, things both inside and outside of the vehicle can pose as distractions.

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Construction Site Accidents: What Are Your Rights as an Injured Worker?

 Posted on January 06,2023 in Personal Injury

b2ap3_thumbnail_shutterstock_284767511-min.jpgConstruction workers have incredibly important and incredibly dangerous jobs. Building and repairing structures and roads often requires workers to use dangerous equipment, climb to great heights, or work in deep trenches. Safety precautions can prevent most accidents, but construction site injuries and deaths can still occur. In fact, about 20 percent of worker fatalities in the United States occur in the construction industry.  

If you were injured while working in construction, it is important to understand your rights. You may be entitled to compensation for your lost income and medical bills. Depending on the circumstances of the injury, you may also be able to pursue a third-party claim and seek further damages.

Injuries From Construction Accidents

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What Kind of Compensation Can I Get When a Car Accident Leads to Paralysis?

 Posted on December 23,2022 in Personal Injury

b2ap3_thumbnail_shutterstock_1362532229-min.jpgMore than five million people in the United States have some form of paralysis. People’s lives are forever changed when they lose the ability to move part or all of their body. A car crash is one of the leading causes of spinal cord injuries leading to paralysis which can be physically difficult. Adapting to your new way of life can also be challenging psychologically. If you or a loved one was paralyzed due to a car crash, and the injuries were caused by someone else’s negligence, you may be entitled to file a lawsuit against the responsible driver.

Recognizing Paralysis

Paralysis occurs when someone is unable to make voluntary muscle movements. The ability to control your body after a spinal cord injury hinges on the severity of the injury and what part of the spinal cord sustains the injury. The impact of a car crash often injures the spinal cord and although you may not feel the pain right away you should see a doctor right away. These are some signs and symptoms that something is not right:

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Did you Suffer Injuries Due to a Defective Pacemaker?

 Posted on December 22,2022 in Personal Injury

elmhurst pacemaker injury lawyerIf you have an abnormal heart rhythm you may need a pacemaker to maintain a consistent heart rate. You trust that the device implanted into your body is safe and efficient. However, if a pacemaker is not properly manufactured or tested, it can cause serious injuries or even death. At Schwartz Injury Law we represent the interests of our clients who have suffered injuries due to a defective medical device.

Defective Medical Products Can Cause Irreparable Damage

Doctors will implant pacemakers near the heart so that they deliver electrical shocks and impulses. This is designed to maintain a normal heart rate. Despite strict regulations by the Food and Drug Administration, time pressures and tight budgets can force a manufacturer to rush a device to market before it is thoroughly tested.

Unfortunately, it usually takes several reports of injuries or harmful effects before a recall is issued. That can lead a defective medical product to injure hundreds or thousands of people before something is done to address the problem.

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Birth Injuries Related to Meconium Aspiration

 Posted on November 18,2022 in Personal Injury

joliet birth injury lawyerThe birth of a child is a time of joy and hope. It is hard to imagine that the leading cause of illness and death for newborns is their inability to breathe when they first come into this world. This health problem occurs when the baby’s first stool or meconium passes into the amniotic fluid during labor and delivery. Unfortunately, meconium aspiration birth injuries occur in about five to ten percent of all births.

Detecting the Problem  

Meconium is the stool passed by a newborn after birth before they begin feeding. Sometimes, the baby passes meconium while inside the womb. When the baby inhales or aspirates this fluid into the lungs it makes breathing very difficult. It is known as meconium aspiration syndrome. The meconium can block the infant's airways because the baby’s lungs swell up. Low-birth babies or those delivered past their term face the greatest risk. The birth and delivery team should also know that if the mother has diabetes or high blood pressure the risk factors are even greater. Here are some ways medical staff can look for meconium aspiration: 

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How Can Victims of Camp Lejeune Water Prove They Were Harmed?

 Posted on August 31,2022 in Personal Injury

orland park personal injury attorneyEarlier this month, United States Armed Forces servicemembers and activists celebrated a major milestone: Legislation was finally signed into law that will help veterans exposed to different kinds of toxic substances during their service recover damages for their injuries. An important part of this legislation aims to help servicemembers, their families, and employees who were living at Camp Lejeune from 1953 through 1987, when leaking toxic substances from a nearby dry cleaning factory tainted the drinking water with dangerous chemicals. Exposure to these chemicals resulted in many long-term and even fatal illnesses for many people and now, thanks to this legislation, they can now pursue compensation for their injuries. 

How Can I Prove I Lived at Camp Lejeune? 

Unfortunately, getting benefits for injuries sustained at Camp Lejeune is not an instant guarantee. Victims of Camp Lejeune water contamination will need to prove that they were at Camp Lejeune for at least 30 days between August 1953 and December 1987. They will also need to show evidence that they were injured by the water at Camp Lejeune. 

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Texting While Driving Can Cause Fatal Accidents on Illinois Roads

 Posted on August 24,2022 in Car Accidents

orland park car accident lawyerTexting while driving is illegal in Illinois, but thousands of people still do it every day. In 2020, distracted driving lead to nearly 200 people losing their lives in car accidents in Illinois alone. Even more financial and physical damage was caused by the many distracted driving accidents that were not fatal. 

The primary cause of distracted driving accidents is the use of cell phones while driving. While eating, talking, and adjusting the radio can all cause accidents as well, it is the ubiquitous need to be constantly checking text messages and app notifications that causes the most distracted driving traffic fatalities. 

How Do Distracted Driving Accidents Happen? 

When someone is talking on the phone or texting, they are unable to pay attention or respond quickly to the flow of traffic or changing road conditions. Distracted driving accidents can occur when a driver: 

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Drinking Water at Camp Lejeune Caused Serious Health Problems 

 Posted on August 19,2022 in Personal Injury

chicago Camp Lejeune Water Injury AttorneyOn August 10th, President Joe Biden signed a bill called the PACT Act, making it law. The PACT Act, or The Promise to Address Comprehensive Toxic Act, expands benefits for veterans who were exposed to toxic substances during their military service. This includes burn pit victims from the Iraq and Afghanistan wars, veterans harmed by Agent Orange during the Vietnam War, and servicemembers, their families, and employees of Camp Lejeune who were seriously harmed by the toxic drinking water that was present there for several decades. 

Camp Lejeune Water Contaminated by Dry Cleaning Chemicals

Located in Jacksonville Carolina, Camp Lejeune is a Marine Corps base camp that was established in 1942. In 1982, Camp Lejeune realized that volatile organic compounds existed in the potable water from two of the base’s eight water treatment plants that exceeded the maximum safe levels established by the Environmental Protection Agency. These chemicals came from a nearby dry cleaning facility that was improperly disposing of waste chemicals. Despite the discovery happening in 1982, the contaminated sources of water were not shut down for another three years. 

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What Should I Do if I Lost My Vision In an Accident? 

 Posted on August 04,2022 in Personal Injury

orland park injury lawyerMost of us take our vision for granted. Without giving it a second thought, we drive, work, and spend time with our loved ones, never dreaming of how full or partial vision loss would meaningfully change our lives forever. But when an accident or someone else’s negligent or malicious behavior causes eye damage, a victim’s future can be changed in a split second. If you have suffered from a serious eye injury, seek advice from a personal injury attorney before you agree to a settlement or compensation from an individual, business, or insurance company.  

Vision Loss From Accidents or Attacks

Eye injuries and vision loss often happen when people are being careless, negligent, or malicious. Frequent accidents that involve vision loss include, but are not limited to: 

Legal Options After a Birth Injury Causes Infant Brain Damage

 Posted on July 28,2022 in Personal Injury

elmhurst birth injury lawyerThe birth of a new baby is an exciting, if not unnerving, experience to go through. Every parent hopes that their baby will be born healthy. Sadly, many parents are devastated to learn that their baby suffered a birth injury before, during, or shortly after delivery. The devastation is compounded when a baby’s injury is preventable.

Brain damage during pregnancy, labor, or delivery is almost always caused by reduced oxygen to the baby’s brain. The causes of infant brain damage are nearly countless, so determining exactly what happened can be a long, complex process. If your baby suffered brain damage due to a birth injury, contact a medical malpractice lawyer experienced in infant injuries and deaths for help taking the next steps.

Oxygen Deprivation During Labor and Delivery

When a baby transitions from life inside the womb to the outside world, he or she takes his or her first breath of air. Any delay or disruption in the birth process can lead to oxygen deprivation. Brain tissue that does not receive enough oxygen begins to die within a few minutes. Consequently, brain damage caused by oxygen deprivation is often permanent.

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